My Shrub Steppe Love Affair By Andrea Crawford, Puget Sound Energy
While I grew up in Central Washington, I wasn’t intimately introduced to the shrub steppe until I moved to Ellensburg. Our family farm in...
Washington’s Shrub-steppe By Jordan Ryckman
Nestled amidst the Cascade and Rocky Mountains is the beautiful and rugged shrub-steppe habitat of the Columbia Plateau. This habitat,...
Connecting People to Outdoor Recreation By: David Torem (after an interview with Vince Pruis Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust)
In zir work as the Teanaway Engagement Coordinator for the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust, Vince Pruis organizes free events for the...
Corridors for Connection By Sasha Wohlpart (with help from Dr. Jason Irwin)
Why did the snake cross the road? To get to the water in the median, of course! Imagine if every time you needed some food or a drink of...
Deep Time and Changing Landscapes of the Yakima River Canyon By: Dr Dale Beeson, retired geologist
The Yakima River Canyon along state route 821 in Washington State is not only a beautiful and scenic area, but it also holds a rich...
This year’s wildfire season is closer than it appears By: Rose Beaton Community Resilience Coordinator, Washington State Department of Natural Resources
Last year, the Oregon and Gray Road fires near Spokane, Washington destroyed hundreds of residences and structures, uprooting families...