Shrub-Steppe Flora: What may seem like a barren landscape is teaming with diversity. By: Wendy Mee, Kittitas County Conservation District
Traveling south along I-82 over Manastash Ridge one distant morning ago with my mother, heading I don’t remember where, the morning sun...
Shrub-steppe in Kittitas County and the Yakima Canyon: Critical Wildlife Corridors in Need of Conservation BY: Scott Downes, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
The shrub-steppe is a unique ecosystem, not just for the species that spend their entire lives within it, but also for species who...
Shrub-steppe birds of Kittitas County: fire and habitat fragmentation is taking its toll By Deb Essman, Kittitas County Field and Stream
Kittitas County hosts an incredible number of bird species. With a little effort it is possible to see over 200 different kinds of birds...
Into Something Better: How nature and poetry transform us By Marie Marchand, Ellensburg Poet Laureate
Everybody who’s anybody longs to be a tree -Rita Dove, “Horse and Tree” One of my favorite things to do is take my well-worn William...
For the Love of Lampreys By Dave’y Lumley Yakama Nation Pacific Lamprey Project
The Yakama Nation Fisheries Pacific Lamprey Project works to study lamprey throughout the Yakima River and its tributaries. There are...
The Importance of a Healthy Environment By Dr. Elise Herman (KEEN Board Member)
One of the biggest factors in human health is a healthy environment. Underlining this importance, the United Nations entities issued a...
KEEN & The 25th Anniversary of Get Intimate with the Shrub-Steppe25 blogs for 25 years Project By Jill Scheffer, KEEN Founder & President
How did we get here? 25 years is a quarter of a century…a quarter of my life has been spent on founding, growing, nurturing and planning...